

Shared ESLint config for Nuxt 3 projects. Unopinionated by default, but customizable.

Shared ESLint config for Nuxt 3 projects. Unopinionated by default, but customizable.

We recommand to use directly the ESLint Module that will provide project-aware ESLint config and Nuxt DevTools integration on top of this config.
Source code on GitHub


Since version v1.0, we provide in the flat config format. The entry @nuxt/eslint-config provides a factory function to create a project-aware ESLint config for Nuxt 3 projects. It is unopinionated by default but customizable by passing options to the factory function. Used by @nuxt/eslint module to generate project-aware ESLint config.

  1. Install this package and eslint in your devDependencies.
yarn add --dev @nuxt/eslint-config eslint
  1. Import the config factory function from @nuxt/eslint-config entry in your eslint.config.mjs:
import { createConfigForNuxt } from '@nuxt/eslint-config'

export default createConfigForNuxt({
  // options here

You might also want to add a script entry to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint ."

Customizing the Config

Note that createConfigForNuxt() returns a chainable FlatConfigComposer instance from eslint-flat-config-utils which allows you to manipulate the ESLint flat config with ease. If you want to combine with other configs, you can use the .append() method:

import { createConfigForNuxt } from '@nuxt/eslint-config'

export default createConfigForNuxt({
  // options here
    // ...Prepend some flat configs in front
  // Override some rules in a specific config, based on their name
  .override('nuxt/typescript', {
    rules: {
      // ...Override rules, for example:
      '@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 'off'
  // can chain more operations as needed

FlatConfigComposer is also a Promise object, that you can use await to get the final config object.

Module Authors

This config also provides rules for module/library authors. You can enable them by setting the features.tooling option to true:

This feature is experimental and may change in the future.
import { createConfigForNuxt } from '@nuxt/eslint-config'

export default createConfigForNuxt({
  features: {
    tooling: true

This will enable rules with unicorn, regexp and jsdoc plugins, to ensure your module is following best practices.

You can also turn them off individually by providing an object with the rule names set to false:

import { createConfigForNuxt } from '@nuxt/eslint-config'

export default createConfigForNuxt({
  features: {
    tooling: {
      regexp: false,

ESLint Stylistic

Similar to the ESLint Module, you can opt-in by setting stylistic to true in the features module options.

import { createConfigForNuxt } from '@nuxt/eslint-config'

export default createConfigForNuxt({
  features: {
    stylistic: true // <---

Learn more about all the available options in the ESLint Stylistic documentation.